The story of Beauty and the Beast is one of the most magical fairy tales, but beneath the traditional storyline lies an inner meaning which is a wonderful vehicle for teaching us about ourselves and each other. A hideous beast, trapped behind a mask of ugliness by a witch’s curse, is saved by the love of a beautiful young girl, which transforms him into a handsome prince. We all have the power of transforming our own inner “Beast” into a Prince with unconditional love, and this play with music uses both comedy and pathos to teach the lesson. Cast size: seven (or five, with doubles) plus children’s choir/dancers.
“Princely showpiece: Those children whose only previous encounter with the Beast has been Disney’s cartoon version may find this stage incarnation a little more scary at times, emphasised by a spooky music score with bass undertones of floor-trembling proportions, the Beast scaring everyone in sight, except Beauty of course, who eventually makes him see good in himself. Compact, clever and charming, this new production by Shirlie Roden provides an intriguing alternative Christmas entertainment.” (Liverpool Echo)
“This new musical version of Beauty and the Beast comes with a strong moral message: Beauty can be discovered in the ugliest things for those willing to seek. It succeeds well, full of merry songs and occasional ballads and Ms. Roden gives the story some comic moments, particularly with the Ugly Sisters.” (P.K., Liverpool)
Mir v dolini / Peace In The Valley // The Vanishing Lake
Mir v dolini / Peace In The Valley // The Vanishing Lake