“We are vibrating sound. When we vibrate out of harmony, we create dis-ease. Sacred sound helps to sing your cells back into tune”
Shirlie has developed her own unique way of working from head to toe on the human body with her pure clear voice tones which vibrate through the cellular structure, right down to core level. A sound therapy session gives the client profound relaxation where they can literally let go of stress, tension and emotions, while tones sounded through chakras (energy centres), body organs and the central nervous system help to “tune” the body back into health and harmony on many different levels.
Shirlie can also work with a client guiding them in a simple and easy process to use sound themselves together with her, to release old memory or feelings held in the body. Work in this way can literally “unpeel” some of the layers of programming from childhood and help us to experience ourselves as who we truly are.
Sound sessions last one and a half hours (Price: £60) and can be arranged in the country/area where Shirlie is currently staying or leading workshops.
Bookings can be made in the UK, Slovenia and Poland – please get in touch with the relevant organiser for more details.
“Thank you so much for an incredible and profound experience. For me, it was miraculous and has left an impression on every cell in my body.”
John Doe, Head Chief
“Thank you for being willing to take me to the depth I wanted to go to, for allowing me to stay there and for staying with me and walking me through it, and especially, for still being there at the end. I know the time I spent with you is having and will continue to have a huge and lasting effect and that you have helped me take a big step towards freedom and peace of mind.”
John Doe, Head Chief
“I am now more than ever convinced that this is one of the strongest medicines there are, to fill a person with love.”
Ricardo Goff, Lawyer
“Thank you so much for a very gentle and very deep sound healing. As the sounds flowed through me, it was as though I was being “re-tuned”. The external vibrations, through your tones, met my internal vibrations and jostled and danced together until a perfect harmony was created, not just within myself but within the whole of existence. Some of the music I heard during the session was glorious.”
Ricardo Goff, Lawyer
Mir v dolini / Peace In The Valley // The Vanishing Lake
Mir v dolini / Peace In The Valley // The Vanishing Lake